This is a jquery plugin which handles event delegation. There are a bunch of delegation plugins out there, and this is just an example of additional functionality, that I wanted to try before delegation gets added to the core.
Download - jQuery 1.2.6+ required.
- jquery.delegate-1.1.js (Uncompressed)
- jquery.delegate-1.1.min.js (Minified)
- More demos...
The "delegate" method takes 3 or 4 arguments:
- type - The type(s) of event being bound/delegated. Seperate multiple events with spaces.
- selector - The selector(s) to match against event.targets and execute the provided handler. Seperate multiple selectors with commas (extra spaces are allowed).
- handler - The function to call against the matching selector(s). The scope (this) will be the matched element.
- data - (optional) Any data to be shared between handlers via the property. Currently, only the initial binding of a delegate handler will bind the data. This will be easily fixed for the next release.
Here are some examples of the API:
// delegate clicks on every span inside a div
$('div').delegate( 'click', 'span', function( event ){
$( this ).toggleClass('selected');
// delegate clicks but stop propagation
$('div').delegate( 'click', 'span', function( event ){
$( this ).toggleClass('selected');
return false;
// delegate multiple comma-seperated selectors
$('div').delegate( 'click', 'span, div', function( event ){
$( this ).toggleClass('selected');
// delegate multiple space-seperated events
$('div').delegate( 'mouseover mouseout', 'span', function( event ){
$( this ).toggleClass('selected');
The "undelegate" method takes 0 to 3:
- type - (optional) The type(s) of event being unbound. Seperate multiple events with spaces.
- selector - The selector(s) to be removed. Seperate multiple selectors with commas (extra spaces are allowed).
- handler - The function to be removed. This must also match the selector that the function was paired with.
Here are some examples of the API:
// undelegate clicks on every span inside a div
$('div').undelegate( 'click', 'span' );
// undelegate multiple comma-seperated selectors
$('div').undelegate( 'click', 'span, div' );
// undelegate multiple space-seperated events
$('div').undelegate( 'mouseover mouseout', 'span' );
// undelegate all selectors for a given event type
$('div').undelegate( 'click' );
// undelegate every event and every selector
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